Na’Maste in bed

My independent learning project has been very informative so far. My 30 yoga challenge has been going good, the only problem I am finding is that with a 20-25 hour a week part time job and 16 credits of full time college classes, taking an hour a day to do yoga is tough.

I have found an app for my phone that is a personalized yoga studio. It is $3.99 for the app and you have access to all kinds of pre made yoga classes that range from beginner to advanced with everything in between. You can also create your own classes and share them with friends.

What I like about this app is that there is a guided video to go along with each of the classes, so you feel like you have a personal teacher with you the whole time. The classes also range in time length which I have found to be very helpful. There are 10-60 minute class lengths and I find that if I don’t have an hour to commit (like if I would prefer to sleep for an extra hour) or if I just have way to much homework it is easier to say, “Okay, Jamie, you may not have an hour, but you absolutely have a half an hour, so get your butt on the yoga mat! “, instead of just blowing it off altogether.

I have also been cutting out wine and beer from my diet so instead of a glass of wine to unwind at night I have been drinking this tea that is called YOGI Tea. There are different blends for different needs, the ones I have been trying are the stress receiver-honey lavender, and the detox blend. The tea is not only a good substitute for wine but it is also relaxing enough that after one or two cups I feel perfectly ready to go right to bed.

This learning project has not been as easy as slapping on a smile and saying I am happy, and I will be happy all day! Life has UPS and downs, and this week has been a struggle for me, lots of work and school problems, and as trivial as it is and I hate admitting it because I don’t like when this item controls my happiness, but lots of worries about money.

My biggest challenge this week has not been getting to the mat to practice my yoga, but getting there and being present in the moment. In a yoga class the teacher will tell you to think of only what you are doing in this moment. To let go of all other worries and thoughts that may plague your mind. I think as I continue my research I need to bring meditation strategies into my yoga practice as well as the physical practice.


7 thoughts on “Na’Maste in bed

  1. I love the title! Sounds like you are extremely busy, I hope doing yoga everyday is helping to relax and de-stress yourself. I might have to look into that tea, it sounds like a great way to calm down after a hectic day.


  2. I’m not gonna lie, you’re title drew me in! That app you mentioned in your post is awesome. What a great alternative to finding a yoga class to fit your busy schedule. Also, drinking tea instead of beer or wine is awesome. Many people need to make that change, I think it will be truly beneficial.


  3. I’ve always wanted to get into yoga, but I never have the time for it. Perhaps I’ll try what you’re trying: utilizing what limited time I do have and finding exercises that fit the available time. And OMG that honey-lavender tea sounds AMAZING. I’m going to have to try some!


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